Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Backyard Chicken Coop

Your backyard chicken coop has a lot of potential which needs to be explored. This is because you can do more with your chicken coop apart from merely raising chickens in your backyard as a hobby or a leisure pursuit. If you are ready to take the necessary steps then you can earn some extra income from your backyard chicken coop; and that is a splendid business opportunity worthy of consideration.  Moreover you can run this business from your own backyard.

There are two main sectors or niches in the poultry business namely raising layer chickens for their eggs on one hand and raising broiler chickens for their meat on the other hand. Both of these sectors are highly profitable because of the great demand for these poultry products. However, before you start your business, it will be necessary for you to conduct your own market research to find out which niche has a greater potential in your intended market. 

Once you have identified your niche then you can take the proper steps to unlock the full potential of your backyard chicken coop. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1.   Legal Compliance

Like any other business you will have to comply with the appropriate laws, rules and regulations in your city, province, state or country. You need to apply for the necessary permits and licenses; and also fulfill any other legal obligation required in your community. This will enable you to run your business smoothly without any interruption or disruption by the enforcement agencies and authorities in your community. So be sure to comply with the appropriate laws at all times.

backyard chicken coop

2.   Size of the Chicken Coop and Run

The size of your chicken coop will depend upon the number of chickens which the law in your community will permit you to raise in your backyard. This number will vary from place to place. However, no matter the number of chickens which you are allowed by law to keep in your backyard some basic factors will remain the same wherever you are. The chicken coop does not have to be very large but it needs to be roomy and spacious to make the chickens very comfortable in their chicken house. It must have a well designed chicken run so that the chickens can move around freely within their demarcated boundaries. There must also be adequate access to light for the chickens. 
3.   Where To Obtain Your Stock Of Chickens

To get the right kind of chicken stock for your backyard chicken coop you need to visit about two or three chicken farms in your area. Talk to the chicken farmers; look around their farms and ask them questions about their stock. Tell them about your requirements and find out from them if they can assist you to get the right kind of chicken stock for your backyard business. After you have gone round the selected chicken farms you will be in a good position to determine where your stock of chickens will come from.

4.   Chicken Feed and Water

You have to make sure that there is sufficient chicken feed and water available for the chickens all the time. This is important because when you start your business you will realize that chickens eat virtually non-stop day in and day out. Therefore you must have a constant supply of chicken feed and clean water for your chickens. As soon as you see that you stock of chicken feed is running down, quickly order some more. To get the best results in your business always feed your chickens with real organic chicken feed. Do your best to avoid any special chicken feed which is not truly organic. Try to establish and maintain your reputation as a producer of organic poultry products and that reputation will draw the customers to you. 

5.   Make the Money

Your backyard chicken coop will become your money machine as you start selling your poultry products in your target market. You can also advertise in your neighborhood and make your products known to your potential customers. Let your neighbors know that you have fresh organic eggs and chicken for sale. You can put a small advert in your local newspaper and spread the message. From a very small beginning you can develop your backyard business and turn it into a major source of income.

Download Your Backyard Chicken Coop Plans Here