How To Find The Best Chicken Coop Plans

Finding the best chicken coops plans for your project is very important, if you wish to obtain long lasting results. However, many individuals disregard this important fact when making their choice of chicken coop plans for their project. If you want to obtain the best results in your project then you have to consider the important factors highlighted herein before you start your project.

1.   Choose The Right Building Materials 
The very first thing you need to consider is the choice of building materials. There is a wide selection of building materials to choose from. Some of them may be easily available in your own backyard. If you wish to employ used materials for the entire building project then you do not have to look far at all. Just check your backyard. If you do not own any such materials yourself you may be able to obtain them from your neighbor’s backyard. Of course, with their prior permission. Choosing the right building materials may reduce the cost of your project considerably. However, please do not use just any old or recycled materials. If you do not want to buy all new materials for your project then be sure that any old or recycled materials you use are durable and suitable for the project. The best chicken coop plans will instruct you about choosing the right materials for your project.

backyard chicken

2.   Choose The Right Location For The Chicken Coop 
The location of your chicken shed is also very important. So you must choose the right location before you start the work. The location that you choose must have a decent level of sunlight. This is important as it will ensure that the chickens lay eggs regularly. So never build the chicken coop inside the shade. After you have chosen the right location, you must spend time to do some landscaping in the selected location to raise the elevation. This will help prevent any flooding in the chosen location in case of a heavy rainfall. The best chicken shed plans will advice you on the choice of the right location for your project. 

3.   Choose The Right Size For The Chicken Coop
Generally speaking chicken coops may be classified as small, medium or large. However, the right size does not depend on the dimensions of the physical structure but rather on the number of chickens inside a particular coop. This is because space is extremely important for the chickens. Therefore the size of your coop will be determined by the number of chickens you intend to raise in that chicken shed. There should be adequate space in the coop to allow the chickens to move about freely and easily all the time. So when you figure out how many chickens you want to raise then the next decision is to determine the size of the coop. The best chicken coop plans will show you the space required by each chicken and the right size of the coop for your project.  
portable chicken coop

4.  Build A Durable Fence Around The Chicken Coop
As a final point, please make sure that you put up a durable fence around your chicken coop. The fence must be able to stand the times and seasons This is very essential so that you do not lose your chickens to any predators. For even if one predator enters the coop it can certainly destroy all the chickens with very little effort. So make sure that the fence is strong enough, high enough and also deep enough inside the ground to keep out all predators. The best chicken shed plans will guide you to build a durable fence around your chicken coop.